नेपालमा नाकाबन्दी लगाएको भन्दै ६५ हजार भारतिय गोर्खा सैनिकले भारत हल्लाउने संकेत

My country is the reason you've blockaded hurt my tension, heart and tears fell from the fork. Modi, Jammu and Kashmir, an Indian Gurkha soldiers open letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi Saheb Reserved struggle ninth Indian Army Gorkha Rifles I am an Indian working Gurkha soldiers. I now during duty hours in India (Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan border area taxpayers Lake. Indian land I stand. My hand is the Government of India rifle.

If the border is any anti-alter the way I destroy him. Sakchuu to. This is my current assignment. I carried the Government of India in November banduuka is exceedingly 10 years. I live in the Indian soil to 10 years to come. I stood in the Indian soil, I have my hands in the Indian banduuka, but my mind is away in Nepal, where I spent my 1 9 year revenue. Once again there will januu. Where passed my childhood, there tend to pass. My mind, my heart are all away. Thinking of the taxpayers, eastern Nepal, urging the same Bhojpur and irakhuuvako cold water and fish firearm. Thinking of the taxpayers, the same maiyuna and silicuuna. My Bhojpur, pikhuuva, irakhuuva are all my ambition. However, this Jammu and Kashmir is my only job. We are confident of the border, and taparinharu Delhi sees visions of sweet dreams. We sleep in Jammu and Kashmir and ladakh Delhi sleep because you have gained. I'm sorry to salute the hands grabbed the pen today. Shoot your enemies out of his finger against you radioustanovku dinuubhaeko wrote letters. Cahanchuu I apologize again, I swear, cucumbers Indian Army recruiting Gurkha ninth bhuuleko some chinalai million. I know, I have military careers, while not so lekhnuu. I also know it is, it is contrary to military discipline. Yet I also knew that it is the sense of my duty to the taxpayers. Sometimes he would see this also that, discipline and duty to others came in through the sense organs. Yes, to be the duty of the Indian Army and discipline than me, I spent 1 9 years, and is now powerful and has many years bitaunuuparne love the motherland. I serve the country, the taxpayers, the same countries imposed sanctions over his country dukhdo when Anita was hurt. The mind was phatdo. Amsuu was coming. So samjhidinuhola, it is not a military uprising. It raises awareness of amsuuko. So socidinuubhae enough, how dare you to write these jutayo a soldier so samjhidinuhola Rs may, it is not a military uprising. It raises awareness of amsuuko. So socidinuubhae enough, how dare you write a letter jutayo a soldier would we want all these thousands of Nepalese have your service. We are all Gurkha restless today, because you have done to our land blockade. My kinsman, family, friends, and my desavasile you are living miserable due to sanctions. For this reason, I am known to have the audacity to write a letter. So lekhdalekhdai I know, my country, some Madhesi, Tharu, mulavasiharu are dissatisfied. I am in favor of their legitimate demands. However, discontent within the country and keeping you up to liirahanuubhaeko satisfaction. Yes, my dissatisfaction with the satisfaction that you are against. Prime landlord has a long history. The story are many. Two hundred years since, we have Gurkha soldiers to protect your land. My ancestors of Indian blood and sweat shed for clay. This two hundred years lakhaumlakha Nepalese young Indian soil for protection UNLIMITED diggers (Sweat said. He added that about 65 thousand more Gurkha seven regiments are employed. We know that, in these seven regiment, 65 thousand more Gurkha The country's largest property. That ballots beyond the World hallaidincha. wiggles as well. World hallaunele India hallaumdaina and Rs history back on, Saheb, about a year ago you our country Nepal forge when we very pleased that Mary had. Our cohort deposited friends cheer so far. More you when Nepal sanvisanasabhama we Gorkha soldiers About bolnuubhayo, he is even more proud to complete. We are doing service worthwhile was. You Nepal's parliament bhannuubhaeko was, 'Bharat Nirman gorkhaliharuko great sacrifice and contribution is. India have fought such a war is not, where the Gurkha blood fluency me.' Yes, this is true then. Today we are gorkhaliharu Jammu and Kashmir, Ladakh us. Where (where the Indian border, there (are there. India where it is most in danger, we are there. We are confident of the border, and taparinharu Delhi sees visions of sweet dreams. We sleep in Jammu and Kashmir and ladakh Delhi sleep because you have gained. You will remember that I had spoken to cahanchuu history. India's military history to see and read once gardachuu request. Nepali youth for your country, how we have assumed the war fronts. You know, the prosperity, the first condition for peace (protection. Santivina prosperity does not allow. We are India's prosperity First, because you are, because India's peace and security gorkhaliharuko big hand. In the country's internal vridoha and-foreign war, Gurkha soldiers how contributions have Rs world bhalibhamti Knowledgeable is. Deal read none of us preach scenario mercenary soldiers never are. On November 7 1 9 47 In Britain, India and Nepal in the tripartite agreement, in light of India joined the army are. Someone might think, gorkhaliharu mercenary soldiers who, salt has from his straight to . We all fronts Indian interests gratification, but Nepal and India among them, we interests obliged to you. Agreement 8 points is clearly written, 'Nepal itself in battle confessed position of the British and Indian Army all Gurkha soldiers the right to recall Nepal is safe. "For this reason we are mercenary soldiers. land crisis, we can fight with the country's side confidence to go ahead. The agreement is that is. Perhaps, not hero to Nepal, again more than 65 Nepalis by its army even India, Nepal subjects then assess how the war between Nepal and India is Rs I mean is not there. It is not a provocation. Here, the theme of war is not a dream. However, these facts and agreements, you (we Remembering good that is. We in India and Nepal numb themselves bound, whether by choice, but its supremacy fight very hard in vain. These facts have a bearing on the two countries good neighbors banirahanubhanda no other alternative. Perhaps, to Nepal hero can not, then 65 more than a thousand Nepalese his army with India even Nepal subjects; how unseemly Rs taparinharule white shining face-lovely future look free. black face in a beautiful country reflect the topic. cimsa eye to the country's bright look . Country this becomes. At the end of Nepal's leaders in Nepal above the Indian blockade is wrong. But, Nepal netajyuharule their internal problems surfaced to solve the nasaknuu weakness. said did not say a weakness because they do today in Nepal, India entered into. In my opinion, Madhesi, Tharu and other oppressed the community is justified in the case of India jodidinuu fatal for Nepal. Nepal, Madhesi, Tharu and others put aside. India, on the other hand keep. The problem is the solution. Bahirakasamga easier to fight, others played, but it is difficult to fight indoors. We also know that the law says the war. Taparinharule beautiful bright future of your face to look lovely person. Black's face look beautiful country reflect. Cimsa eye look too bright country. This becomes the country. Tell Clause own. Remember Tharu own. All the people tell their own. You bhanidinchan his unveil someone else interests me. Madhesi became rich, emerging rich, Indigenous peoples of the rich, not rich in India, Nepal, the rich will be. Just so, we say. Yesterday's was Rs Rs who run the Madhesi, Tharu and not being subject mulavasile khojihimdne. Again, you would be like debris is not rojihimdne. Yesterday Today Tomorrow work is reviewed by all. History and forefathers abused joints greased country. Trying to run the country anymore ancestors. 
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