With the same gist and the story line, a new short movie has been uploaded in the YouTube title ” Napungshak “. Here in this short movie, a guy has been lost in an alcoholism. Every single night, he drinks alcohol and gets drunk. He goes for his home and home with full drunk mood and never pay any attention for his wife and her wants. Here in other hand, his wife always dream of the !nt!m@cy with her husband.
But she could not go for it, no matter how much eager and hungry she is. She feels too much pathetic and ir*ritated with the daily ignorance drunk husband. At the end, she chooses some shocking act to her anger and ir*ritation. To find out the my$tery, you must watch out this short movie till the end.
- See more at: http://nagrikpost.com/napungshak-new-nepali-short-movie/#sthash.MrQIZrU2.Keu6dOW4.dpuf
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