केटाले पिसाब गरेको ठाउँमा पुगेर केटीले पनि दिन दहाडै पिसाब गर्न लागेपछी

There are around million people in India who live without toilets, so that women hold the uri*ne on the bladder due to lack of toilets. People there have more mobile phone rather than the toilets. So here is a video where there is a social interaction and here it is shown that what the reaction would be when the girl finds no toilet and wants to pee in the street.

In this video a girl is interacting with various people and asking about the toilets, but there are very funny actions of the people they deny to pee and ask her to do funny things or do a hard effort just to p*ee. There are various opinion that is shown in this video. She is asking about the toilets to the local people but some says that they haven’t seen the toilet, some says take a cab or rikshaw, some says to pee near the sea, some behind the car, some says pee on the road, there is no way and many such answer has come up when she is asking the location of toilet where she could pe*e.

This video aware about the condition that thousands of girls would be saved from being r@*pe if they had toilet in their home.
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