in the way that the cast of Bridesmaids did. They’re examples of women comedians smashing the mould. Fey and Poehler are also doing their bit for ageism – proving that there’s room in Hollywood for women past 40 that doesn’t consign them to sidelined roles as wives, mothers and grandmothers. All that aside, is Sisters funny?
Well, that depends on what you want and expect from this movie. Take Fey and Poehler out of the equation and what you’ve basically got is a Will Ferrell/Paul Rudd movie. If that’s your bag, you’ll like Sisters: it’s Old School revisited.
Instead of overgrown men-children acting up, however, you’ve got overgrown women-children acting up – both a good and a bad thing. Good, in that it shows that women and men can and should be interchangeable in these kinds of roles (and therefore, crucially, equal). Bad, because they’re having to act out traditional ‘male’ roles in order to be funny.The plot is limited but it gives the film a basic structure from which to hang jokes and set pieces.
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